Feeling overwhelmed?! Spread thin?! Can’t stay focused?

As we immerse ourselves in the festivities of the holiday season, it becomes increasingly important to protect our inner peace and maintain a sense of balance. I wrote this guide, "Keep it Light with 7 Days of GLOW," designed to nurture your inner light amidst the holiday hustle.

Why This Matters:

The holiday season, while joyous, often brings a whirlwind of activities, demands, and expectations. Throughout the festive chaos, it's crucial to set boundaries, protect your energy, and prioritize self-care. "Keep it Light with 7 Days of GLOW" is not just a series of daily practices; it's a holistic approach to cultivating and preserving your well-being.

Protecting Your Inner Peace:

In a season where external demands can be overwhelming, this guide is a gentle reminder each day to set aside time for yourself. By engaging in activities that bring relaxation, such as a soothing bath or a few minutes of stretching, you're creating a protective shield and truly recharging your battery.
Gabby Sansosti, GLOW by G's Founder, a Fitness & Wellness App, wearing a grey beanie, sitting backwards on a chair with a flannel shirt

"Keep it Light with 7 Days of GLOW" is not just a series of daily practices; it's a holistic approach to cultivating and preserving your well-being.

Setting Boundaries:

The holiday hustle often tempts us to overextend ourselves. Day 5, the Digital Detox day, encourages you to step back from the constant digital stream. It's a conscious effort to set boundaries, reclaim your time, and shield yourself from the potential stressors that the digital world can bring.

Embracing Connection:

While setting boundaries is crucial, so is maintaining connection. Day 4, Virtual Connection Session, emphasizes the significance of relationships. It's a chance to nurture relationships with loved ones, even if miles apart. In this, you're not only protecting your peace; you're actively engaging in the positive energy of meaningful connections.

Nurturing Your Mind and Soul:

"Me Time" on Day 6 is more than a luxury; it's a necessity. Engaging in activities that intellectually stimulate you is a form of self-nurturing. It's a declaration that your well-being matters, and you're worthy of the time invested in personal exploration.

Reflection for Long-Term Well-Being:

Day 7, GLOW Insights & Reflection Day, encourages looking back on the week. This isn't just a moment of reflection; it's a commitment to long-term well-being. By understanding the impact of self-care on each pillar of GLOW, you're laying the foundation for sustained wellness.

By understanding the impact of self-care on each pillar of GLOW, you're laying the foundation for sustained wellness.

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"Keep it Light with 7 Days of GLOW" is an invitation to prioritize yourself in a season where giving is abundant. It's a reminder that your well-being matters, and by protecting your inner peace, you contribute positively not only to your life but also to those around you.
Here's to a season of nurturing, setting boundaries, and embracing the GLOW within!
With warmth and light,Gabby Sansosti